Nowadays the word “inclusion” pops up more and more often. Diversity and inclusion are hot topics in executive & political agendas, news and conferences. 

The concept of inclusion is everywhere, in the workplace, schools, in fitness, etc. But what does it really mean? Is it truly implemented? What needs to be done to move one step closer to an actual inclusive environment?

Inclusion refers to a cultural and environmental sense of belonging. In sports, inclusion means the practice of a sport or exercise from all, regardless of body shape, ethnicity, culture & abilities. Inclusiveness establishes the right to enjoy sports & physical activities and ensures equal opportunities for everyone.

Speaking with Ragen Chastain an internationally sought-after leader in the fields of Weight Science, Weight Stigma, Health and Fitness, she gave us a quick 3 step approach towards a more inclusive environment.

Creating Inclusive Spaces

  • Create physical spaces that are accessible to a broad audience – space and equipment that is suitable for people with disabilities, facilities that are inclusive for all genders, space and equipment that is properly rated for higher-weight people, and unbiased instructors, educated in working with diverse populations.
  • Create a culture of inclusion, a culture where welcoming everyone is the key. Inclusion is a core value and everyone should convey the message across. 
  • Create spaces that focus on non-aesthetic goals. Encourage people to focus on important aspects like gaining strength, stamina, flexibility, achieving their personal goals, and/or keep moving for enjoyment and overall health.

Ragen is a high energy presenter with the ability to inform, entertain, and motivate a wide variety of audiences, including the presentation of research and data in a way that is accessible and memorable. Interventions to promote inclusion do not need to be costly. Ragen managed to give us simple ideas on how to create inclusive spaces without cost. 

Inclusive physical activity is a process of strengthening the capacity of the existing system to reach out to all people and can thus be understood as a key strategy to achieve overall health and well – being. What is needed is to educate people and the process involves transforming places, goals & mindsets.